Saturday 10 November 2012

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In the Tripoli of 1979, nine-year-old Sulaiman considers the origins of mulberries. They are, he decides, "the best fruit God has created", and imagines young angels conspiring to plant a crop on earth when they hear that Adam and Eve are being sent down there as punishment. This could be simply a charming piece of whimsy invented by a child - but the time and place in which Sulaiman imagines it reconfigures the story into a tale of dissidents (angels) and exiles (humans). The book follows the plight of Suleiman, a nine-year-old boy living in Tripoli in Libya, stuck between a father whose clandestine anti-Gaddafi activities bring about searches, stalkings and telephone eavesdroppings by Gaddafi's state police, and a vulnerable young mother who resorts to various drugs to bury her anxiety and anger. The only people he has to turn to are his neighbour Kareem, and his father's best friend Moosa. The book provides a gripping description of Libya under Gaddafi's terror regime, and a beautiful narration of ordinary people's lives as they try to survive the political oppression.

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

In The Country Of Men

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