Monday 22 October 2012

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

A kidney stone is a hard deposit of minerals and salt that form inside the kidney. Commonly, stones form as minerals in urine crystallize and attach to each other. The development of stones inside the kidneys can cause them to grow, leading to an enlarged kidney. Kidney stones can grow quite large. An individual with this condition may experience frequent and painful urination, nausea, fever and pain in the back, abdomen or sides.Unilateral hydronephrosis refers to one enlarged kidney that is swollen due to backed up urine. If both kidneys are swollen the condition is known as bilateral hydronephrosis. Generally, these conditions occur as a result of another problem with the kidneys which prevents urine from entering into the bladder and therefore backing up in the kidneys. An obstruction can be a possible reason for this occurrence. For this reason, in addition to kidney enlargement, an abdominal mass can sometimes be present in an individual with this condition.

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney

Swollen Kidney


  1. Cara Mengatasi Rahim Kering

    Terima kasih atas informasinya, sangat bermanfaat sekali :)
