The Clementis family name is an
old heredity that has spread all across the world over time, and as the
Clementis family has spread, it has changed making it's etymology a
challenge to piece together. This page is dedicated to a detailed
history of the Clementis surname, Clementis origins, and history of
people with the Clementis name. Clementis family history has a rich and complex origin of which the particulars have been accumulated over the years by Clementis family researchers. At the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, he was put into
prison as a known Communist, and later evacuated to a British
concentration camp. After release, he decided to spend the war in
London, where he broadcast speeches on the radio calling for all Slovaks
to fight against the Nazis. Returning in 1945, he became Vice-Minister
of Foreign Affairs under the first post-war government.
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