Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Drop safe boxes or drop boxes are also known as money safes. These boxes can be commonly seen in banks, postal stores, and commercial centers. There are many different varieties of drop safes available. The variations include front loading, depository box or top loading box. The main purpose of a drop safe box is to provide secure storage of cash, jewelry, and other valuables. It's different from other types of safes because owners can drop cash or valuables into the box through a small opening, which resembles the post box.When it comes to blockading, lockboxes are very useful, assuming you are willing to be arrested. The design described here has been used in several cities, including some in which the police are experts at "handling" protests, and all the same it can take police hours to move blockaders who use them from a busy street. It is one ofthe simplest designs; there are many other possibilities. You can make lockboxes vrith 90-degree angles in them that accommodate both arms of one individual, so one person can comfortably lock down to a gate, a truck axle, or even a railroad track. For serious engagements, you can make big concrete barrels with lockboxes fitted inside them, or dig a hole in the ground and build a vertical one-way lockbox into it with concrete and rebar, or drive a junker car into place, disable it, and lock down to it.

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

Locking Boxes

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