Saturday 10 November 2012

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water for Elephants has two plots going on, both starring the same main character, Jacob. In one plot, Jacob is a young guy just starting out in the world; in the other, he's an old guy stuck at a nursing home. Every few chapters, the narrative switches from one Jacob to the other. Hmmm. This could get confusing. To make sure everything's clear, we're going to lay it all out for you separately. But be warned, this isn't the order of events in the book. The head trainer, August, is a brutal man who abuses the animals in his care (such as the new elephant Rosie) and the people around him. Alternately, he can be utterly charming. Jacob develops a guarded relationship with August and his wife, Marlena, with whom Jacob falls in love. August is suspicious of their relationship and beats Marlena and Jacob. Marlena subsequently leaves August and stays at a hotel while she's not performing. Uncle Al then informs Jacob that August is a paranoid schizophrenic and then utters a threat: reunite August and Marlena as a happily married couple or Walter and Camel get red-lighted.

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

Water For Elephants Book Summary

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